Jawaban dari "mon Narrative d The golden Star Fruit tree. The purpose is to get a moral lesson from a folk tale. T..."

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Tempat ini mempunyai 1 cara mengerjakan atas mon Narrative d The golden Star Fruit tree. The purpose is to get a moral lesson from a folk tale. T.... Silakan pelajari cara mengerjakan selengkapnya disini:

Mon Narrative D The Golden Star Fruit Tree. The Purpose Is To Get A Moral Lesson From A Folk Tale. The Golden Star Fruit Tree A Long Lime Ago There Was A Rich Old Mon Livingin Vietnam. He Had Two Sons. They Had Very Diff Erent Attitudes 6 The Older Brother Was Bery Very Greedy. But The Younger Brother Was Very Kind. When The Old Died, The Brothers Divided His Father's Wealth Into Two Parts. The Big Brother Look Almost Everything He Gave His Younger Brother Only Small Piece Of Land, With Star Fruit Tree In Front Orit. The Younger Brother Did Not Mind. From The On He Lived There And Made His Living By Sening Star Fruits From The Free. The Fortuna Came Ang Unfortunately, A Very Big Raven Often Ate All The Tipe Fruits. At First, He Was To Arraid Of The Raven And Did Not Know What To Do But One The Rouen He Begged Day He Dared To Approach To It Not To Cal The Fruits. If You Ras The Fruits, I Will Have Nothing To Was Not Angry. He Reened. I Need Surprisingly The Raven The Fruits Too Can I Have The And Ill Pay You With Gold.

1. What Is The Text About ?
2. Mention The Characters Of The Story !

Jawaban: #1:
  1. The text is about an old man who had two sons and a star fruit tree that was given to his last son.
  2. The characters are an old man, the older brother, the younger brother, and the raven.

- Introduction:

Narrative text merupakan jenis teks yang terdapat suatu cerita yang melibatkan tokoh, waktu, dan tempat. Teks naratif ditulis dalam bentuk past tense untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa yang sudah terjadi di masa lampau, dan teks ini paling banyak digemari orang karena bersifat menghibur dan terdapat pesan moral sebagai pelajaran hidup.

- Discussion:

Teks di atas merupakan salah satu contoh dari narrative text.

Review singkat cerita The Golden Star Fruit:

The Golden Star Fruit menceritakan seorang pria rupawan yang memiliki dua anak. Dia memiliki rumah yang besar dan pohon belimbing yang besar juga. Suatu hari, anak sulungnya meninggal dunia, sehingga dia memberikan separuh hartanya kepada ayahnya dan adiknya. Anak sulung itu menerima apa adanya dengan sifatnya yang baik hati, ayahnya memberikan pohon belimbing untuknya yang akan tinggal di rumah baru.

Untuk nomor 1, the text is about maksudnya kita memberikan garis besar terhadap teks tersebut, yang berjenis narrative text. Baca dan pahami ceritanya untuk mengetahui apa isi dan garis besarnya ya.

Untuk nomor 2, untuk menemukan tokoh, dapat diamati dari adanya kata benda yang menunjukkan karakteristik. Contohnya, there was a rich old man live in Vietnam. Sehingga yang digarisbawahi tersebut merupakan subject (character).

-> Conclusion:

  1. The text is about an old man who had two sons and a star fruit tree that was given to his last son.
  2. The characters are an old man, the older brother, the younger brother, and the raven.

Thank you! Good luck and best wishes for you. ^^

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Let's find out more and take a sneak peek to these interesting stories you might like. Happy reading and may all your dreams come true!

- Details

Subject: English

Material: Narrative

Level: Middle

  • Grade: 8

Keywords: narrative text, story, characters, The Golden Star Fruit Tree

Subject code: 5

Categorization code: 8.5.10

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