Jawaban dari "Complete the following sentences in the dialogue using the words and phrases provided. Pilihan: -Thi..."

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Tempat ini mempunyai 1 cara menjawab mengenai Complete the following sentences in the dialogue using the words and phrases provided. Pilihan: -Thi.... Silakan baca cara mengerjakan lebih lanjut di bawah:

Complete The Following Sentences In The Dialogue Using The Words And Phrases Provided.

Pilihan: -Think
-Kind Of You
-To Say So

Ashley: Hi Jennifer, How Are You?
Jennifer: Oh, Hi Ashley. It's Nice To See You! I Really________ The Shirt You Are Wearing Right Now. It Looks Really___________ On You! Where Did You Get It?
Ashley: Thanks, Nice Of You _______________. I Got It At Old Navy Last Year. It Was Pretty Cheap Because I Got It On Sale. I'm Always Looking For Sales.
Jennifer: Well, It's Really Nice. I Like The __________. I'm Also Looking For Something Like Your Shirt.
Ashley: Really?
Jennifer: Yes, I Love It!
Ashley: I Like Your Glasses. _____________ Look Really Nice On You.
Jennifer: Thanks! I'm __________ You Like Them. I Bought It On The Boxing Day Sale. It Was Really Cheap.
Ashley: They Really ___________ You.
Jennifer: Do You Really __________ So? They're Nothing Special.
Ashley: Yeah? Well, They Really ___________ Your Scarf.
Jennifer: Thanks! _______________ To Say So!

Tolong Di Jawab!!​

Jawaban: #1:

Ashley: Hi Jennifer, how are you?

Jennifer: Oh, hi Ashley. It's nice to see you! I really like the shirt you are wearing right now. It looks really nice on you! Where did you get it?

Ashley: Thanks, nice of you to say so. I got it at Old Navy last year. It was pretty cheap because I got it on sale. I'm always looking for sales.

Jennifer: Well, it's really nice. I like the colour. I'm also looking for something like your shirt.

Ashley: Really?

Jennifer: Yes, I love it!

Ashley: I like your glasses. They look really nice on you.

Jennifer: Thanks! I'm glad you like them. I bought it on the Boxing Day sale. It was really cheap.

Ashley: They really suit you.

Jennifer: Do you really think so? They're nothing special.

Ashley: Yeah? Well, they really match your scarf.

Jennifer: Thanks! kind of you to say so!

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