Jawaban dari "1. they_____just_____(come) from his trip to france ​"

Bila anda sedang mencari jawaban dari pertanyaan 1. they_____just_____(come) from his trip to france ​, maka teman-teman sudah ada di web yang tepat.

Halaman ini mempunyai 1 jawaban dari 1. they_____just_____(come) from his trip to france ​. Silakan pelajari cara menyelesaikan lebih lanjut di bawah:

1. They_____just_____(come) From His Trip To France ​

Jawaban: #1:


Answer :

they have just come from his trip to france


itu materi simple past tense dan perfect tense

hope this helps


Streets of Rouen, France photo on Sunsurfer

France rouen streets street incredible. Streets of rouen, france photo on sunsurfer

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