Jawaban dari "arrange the following sentences into a good paragraph. 1. This mean that the top of the tower is 3.9..."

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Situs ini ada 2 cara mengerjakan dari arrange the following sentences into a good paragraph. 1. This mean that the top of the tower is 3.9.... OK langsung saja lihat cara menyelesaikan lebih lanjut disini:

Arrange The Following Sentences Into A Good Paragraph.
1. This Mean That The Top Of The Tower Is 3.9 M If The Tower Stands Perfectly Vertical.
2. Between 1990 And 2001, The Tower Leaned At An Angel Of 5.5 Degrees, But Now It Leans At About 3.99 Degrees.
3. The Leaning Tower Of Pisa Or The Tower Of Pisa Is The Campanile Of The Cathedral And The Third Oldest Structure In Pisa's Cathedral Square.
4. It Is Situated Behind The Cathedral And The Third Oldest Structure In Pisa's Cathedral Square.
5. The Height Of The Tower Is 55.86 M From The Ground And The Walls Is 4.09 M.
A. 3-4-5-2-1
B. 3-5-4-1-2
C. 3-1-2-4-5
D. 3-2-5-4-1

Jawaban: #1: A. 3-4-5-2-1
itulah urutan yang menurut saya tepat Jawaban: #2: A) 3-4-5-2-1 3. The Leaning Tower of Pisa or the Tower of Pisa is the campanile of the cathedral and the third oldest structure in Pisa's cathedral square. 4. It is situated behind the cathedral and the third oldest structure in Pisa's cathedral square. 5. The height of the tower is 55.86 m from the ground and the walls is 4.09 m. 2. Between 1990 and 2001, the tower leaned at an angel of 5.5 degrees, but now it leans at about 3.99 degrees. 1. This mean that the top of the tower is 3.9 m if the tower stands perfectly vertical. Tour Lanterne in Rouen, France's tallest cathedral spire - French Moments

Tour lanterne in rouen, france's tallest cathedral spire. Rouen spire lanterne tallest

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