Jawaban dari "complete the sentence by using passive form of the verb in parentheses 1.The Sydney Opera House_____..."

Apa sobat sering dikasih tugas oleh guru? Tetapi sobat bingung untuk menyelesaikannya? Sebetulnya ada banyak metoda untuk menyelesaikan tugas tsb, salah satunya adalah dengan bertanya pada orang tua, selain itu menemukan jawaban di situs online bisa jadi trik jitu saat ini.

Website ini mempunyai 1 jawaban dari complete the sentence by using passive form of the verb in parentheses 1.The Sydney Opera House_____.... Silakan lihat jawaban selengkapnya disini:

Complete The Sentence By Using Passive Form Of The Verb In Parentheses

1.The Sydney Opera House_____(locate) In Australia
A.is Located
B.are Located
C.are Locate
D.is Locate

Read The Sentences Carefully.Is That Passive Or Avtive Sentence?

2.Scientists Still Don't Know Why The Moai Statues On Easter Island Were Created.

3.The Grand Canyon Is Viewed By Thousands Of Tourists Every Year.

4.Ivan The Terrible Built St.Basil's Cathedral In Moscow In The Mid-16th Century

5.The City Of Petra Was Constructed Sometime Around The 4th Century,B.C.E

6.A Danish Architect Designed The Sydney Oper House

tolong Jawab Besok Dikumpulin :((

Jawaban: #1:


1. A. Is located

2. A. Passive

3. A. Passive

4. B. Active

5. A. Passive

6. B. Active

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