Jawaban dari "D. Writing Ho Arrange these words into the good sentences. 1. Tell me - is - where - Gambir Station..."

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Website ini ada 1 cara menjawab dari D. Writing Ho Arrange these words into the good sentences. 1. Tell me - is - where - Gambir Station.... OK langsung saja baca jawaban selengkapnya disini:

D. Writing
Arrange These Words Into The Good Sentences.
1. Tell Me - Is - Where - Gambir Station - Location - ?
2. You - Can-me-give-an Information - The Position Of Police Station-?
3. You - Would - Me - Show - The Way - To -?- Blok M Station
4. Can - How-r-know - The Position Of XXI Cinema - ?
5. Don't - Go-to - They - Bandung - Today
6. She-reaily - Great - Is - Student - School - At
7. Does - He -?-arrive - At-home-on Time
8. Mira - To -wants- Visit - The - Museum - Car
9. Is - Way - Another - To - There - ?-to-go - The Location Of Ministry Of
Education And Culture
10. Go - You - Straight - This - Way - Along -- Cathedral Church - Across - Is
- Istiqlal Mosque
Grab The Star​

Jawaban: #1: JAWABAN :

1. tell me where is gambir station location?
2. can you give me an information position of police Station
3. would you show me the way to blok m station
4. how are you can know the position of cina xxi
5. they don't go to bandung today
6. she is really great student at school
7. does he arrive on time at home
8. mira wants to visit the car museum
9. is there another way to go to the location of ministry
10. you go straight this way along cathedral church across istiqal mosque

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