Jawaban dari "Match the beginning of the sentences in column A with the correct endings in column B! A B 1. If you..."

Apakah kamu seringkali dikasih tugas oleh guru? Tetapi sobat tidak dapat mengerjakannya? Sebenarnya ada beberapa cara untuk menyelesaikan PR tsb, salah satunya adalah dengan cara belajar kelompok, disamping itu mencari jawaban di google bisa jadi solusi yang baik sekarang ini.

Halaman ini punya 1 jawaban mengenai Match the beginning of the sentences in column A with the correct endings in column B! A B 1. If you.... OK langsung saja baca jawaban lebih lanjut di bawah ini:

Match The Beginning Of The Sentences In Column A With The Correct Endings In Column B!
1. If You Book Accommodation Early,
you Might Like To Climb To The Top Of The Cathedral
2. If You Get Lost In The City,
you Should Be Able To Get Tickets Easily.
some Of The Tourist Attractions Might Not Be Opened.
3. If You Visit The Central Museum,
d. Don't Panic.
4. If You Want To Go To The Opera,
5. If You Go To The Market,
you Shouldn't Have To Queue At Museums And
art Galleries.
If You Want To Avoid The Crowds,
you Might Find Some Good Souvenirs.
K-13 P37
a Inggris SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kls. XII Smt. 2 (Wajib)​

Jawaban: #1:


1. If you book accommodation early, you should be able to get tickets easily.

2. If you get lost in the city, don't panic.

3. If you visit the Central Museum, you might like to climb to the top of the cathedral tower

4. If you want to go to the opera, you shouldn't have to queue at museums and art galleries.

5. If you go to the market, you might find some good souvenirs.

6. If you want to avoid the crowds, some of the tourist attractions might not be opened.


Tour Lanterne in Rouen, France's tallest cathedral spire - French Moments

Tour lanterne in rouen, france's tallest cathedral spire. Rouen spire lanterne tallest

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