Jawaban dari "18."the students go to school "the means.... a. Murid-murid pergi belajar b. Murid-murid pergi ke se..."

Apa sobat sering diberi PR sama guru? Tetapi sobat tidak dapat menyelesaikannya? Sebenarnya ada banyak strategi untuk mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah tsb, termasuk dengan bertanya pada orang tua, disamping itu mendapatkan jawaban di situs online bisa menjadi solusi pilihan saat ini.

Kami ada 1 cara menyelesaikan dari 18."the students go to school "the means.... a. Murid-murid pergi belajar b. Murid-murid pergi ke se.... Silakan lihat jawaban selanjutnya di bawah:

18."the Students Go To School "the Means....
a. Murid-murid Pergi Belajar
b. Murid-murid Pergi Ke Sekolah
c. Murid-murid Pergi Bermain
d. Murid-murid Pergi Ke Pasar
The Text For Number 31-35
Visiting Grandpa
I Am Visiting My Grandpa's Village Now. I See So
many Animals Here. There Are Chikens And Chicks,
cows And Calves, Duck And Ducklings And Many
other Farm Animals. My Granpa Has A Big Cow. We
feed Grass To The Cow Every Day. It Produces Plenty
of Milk Every Day. We Drink The Milk. We Also Sell
it.I Like Visiting My Grandpa Because I Can See
many Animals In The Village.
19. Does Doni Watch Film In The Movie?
a. Yes
b. Yes Does
c. Yes, She Does
d. Yes, He Does
20. Mother...in The Kitchen.
a. Read
c. Cooks
b. Reads
d. Cook
30. Who Are You Visiting?
a. My Grandpa
b. My Grandma
c. My Uncle
d. My Aunt
21. Arrange These Words In To Good Sentense!
a. We Every Monday Study English.
b. Every Monday We Study English.
c. Study English We Every Monday.
d. We Study English Evaery Monday.
31. What Animals Are There In The Village?
a. Chickens And Chicks
b. Cows And Calves
c. Ducks And Ducklings
d. Chickens And Chicks, Cows And Calves,
Ducks And Ducklings
22.1 And Family. (menonton) The TV.
a. Watch
C. See
b. Watches
d. Send
32. What Does Grandpa Have?
a. Chickens
c. Ducks
b. Big Cow
d. Bafallo
23. You...not Write A Letter To Your Friend Today.
33. What Does The Cow Prodauce Every Day?
a. Calves B. Grass C. Milk D. Animal
c. Is
a. Does
b. Do
d. Am
34. What Is The Milk For?
a. Drink
b. Sell
c. Drink And Sell
d. Save
24. Do You Go To School In The Sunday?
a. No
b. No, I Do Not
C. No, I Does
d. No, I Does Not
35. What Is The Grass Is For?
a. Food B. Drink C. Sell D. Save
25. She Is Very Sad.
The Synonym "sad" Is....
a. Unhappy
c. Boring
b. Happy
d. Sick
26. The Elephant Is A Huge Animal.
That Same Meaning As The Underline Word
a. Clumsy
c. Fat
b. Big
d. Strong
Isilah Titik-titik Di Bawah Ini Dengan Jawaban
yang Tepat
Match The Words In Column A With Column B!
Column A
Column B
a. Accept
2. Refuse
b. Sour
3. Dark
c. Difficult
4. Fragrant
d. Soft
5. Win
e. Bright
6. Buy
f. Last
7. East
g. Smelly
8. Hard
h. Fail
9. Sweet
i. Sell
10. First
j. West
27. The Antonym "Stupid " Is....
a. Clean
c. Clever
b. Lazy
d. Anggry
28. He Is A Lazy Boy.
The Antonym "lazy" Is....
a. Boring
c. Early
b. Angry
d. Hardworking
Jawablah Pertanyaan Dibawah Ini Dengan
baik Dan Benar
29. My Grandmother Is Old And Feeble.
The Antonym "old" Is....
a. Young
C. Clean
b. Strong
d. Helthy
Translate Into Indonesia!
1. Mother Cooks In The Kitchen Every Day
2. They Play Ball Evary Morning
3. I Eat Rice In The Morning
4. Surya And Bobby Sleep At 9 O'clock Every Night.
5. My Sister Sweep Yard.
Hal.2 - Bhs Inggris (5)​

Jawaban: #1:

no 18 , B.Murid murid pergi ke sekolah


moga berguna

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