Jawaban dari "26. I have just had great idea. 27. Lucy's father works as electrician 28. We need to be at airport..."

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Kami ada 1 jawaban dari 26. I have just had great idea. 27. Lucy's father works as electrician 28. We need to be at airport.... OK langsung saja lihat jawaban selanjutnya disini:

26. I Have Just Had
great Idea.
27. Lucy's Father Works As Electrician
28. We Need To Be At Airport In Hour.
29. Writting Is_more Interesting Activity Than Reading.
30. A Little Knowledge Is Dangerous Thing.
31. Last Year We Visited St. Paul's Cathedral And Tower Of London.
32. Did You Read Book I Gave You?
33. It's Long Way By Train To West Of Java.
34. What's Capital Of Your Country?
35. Doctor Earns More Than Teacher.
36. I Lived In Netherlands Before Moving Here.
37. We Saw Eagle Caught A Chicken Yesterday.
38. This Is Man I Told You About.
39. I Never Listen To Radio. In Fact, I Haven't Got_radio.
40. They Visited Grandmother In Hospital.
41. There Was Time When I Enjoyed Reading.
42. Please, Open
43. Would You Like To Tell Me_best Moment Of Your Life?
44. The Man Is Italian Businessman.
45. It Was Difficult Exam.
46. She Is Reading Interesting Book.
47. Where Are Scissors You Borrowed Last Week?
48. She Has Bought Me Apple Juice.
computer Is Very Good, I Like It.
speech Tonight
President Of Indonesia Is Giving​

Jawaban: #1:


26. I have just had a great Idea

27. Lucy's father works as an electrician

28. We need to be at the airport in an hour

29. Writing is a more interesting activity than reading

30. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing

31. Last year we visited the St. Paul's Cathedral and the Tower of London.

32. Did you read the book I gave you?

33. It's a long way by train to the west of Java.

34. What's the capital of your country?

35. A doctor earns more than a teacher.

36. I lived in the Netherlands before moving here.

37. We saw an eagle caught a chicken yesterday.

38. This is the man I told you about.

39. I never listen to radio. In fact, I haven't got a radio.

40. They visited grandmother in the hospital.

41. There was a time when I enjoyed reading.

42. Please, open  the door!

43. Would you like to tell me the best moment of your life?

44. The man is an Italian businessman.

45. It was a difficult exam.

46. She is reading an interesting book.

47. Where are the scissors you borrowed last week?

48. She has bought me an apple juice.

49.  The computer is very good, I like it.

50.  The President of Indonesia is giving​ a speech tonight

Note: Jika hanya disuruh untuk menggunakan satu jawaban untuk setiap pertanyaan, untuk nomor 33, 35, 50 tidak usah menggukan the maupun a yg kedua.

Untuk nomor 39 lebih tepatnya

I never listen to the radio. In fact, I haven't got a radio.

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