Bila sobat sedang mencari cara menyelesaikan dari soal FIND AND CORRECT 10 MISTAKES IN THE FOLLOWING TEXT ( PART OF SPEECH AND SV AGREEMENT ) TEXT Galileo..., maka teman-teman telah ada di situs yang benar.

Kami ada 1 jawaban dari FIND AND CORRECT 10 MISTAKES IN THE FOLLOWING TEXT ( PART OF SPEECH AND SV AGREEMENT ) TEXT Galileo.... Monggo lihat cara menjawab selanjutnya di bawah ini:



Galileo Are Often Called The Founder Of Modern Science. He Made Many Discover In Astronomy And Physics And He Built Telescopes To Study Space.

Galileo Galilei Was Born In Pisa, Italy In 1564. His Father Sent He To The University To Study Medicine, But Young Galileo Were More Interested In Science And Mathematics.

Galileo Made One Of His Greatest Discoveries As He Sat In A Cathedral Of Pisa. As He Watched A Chandelier Swing Back And Forth He Noticed That Longer And Shorter Swings Took The Same Time. This Discovery Became Known As The Law Of The Pendulum. These And Other Importance Discoveries Made He So Well-known That Galileo Became A Professor At The University Of Pisa.

In 1609 Galileo Constructed Her First Telescope. He Used It To Observation The Stars And The Planets. He Saw Things That Nobody Had Ever Seen Before. Galileo Discovered That The Moon's Surface Were Not Smooth And Flat, Like Everyone Thought, But Had A Rough Surface And Was Full Of Craters.

In January 1610 Galileo Discovered 4 Moon Around The Jupiter. They Were Named After Him, The Galilean Moons. These Observations Proved That Not The Earth Was The Centre Of The Solar System, But The Sun. It Was A Discovery That Copernicus Had Make 60 Years Earlier.

Jawaban: #1:


Sebelumnya saya minta maaf karena hanya mendapat 9 kesalahan, semoga ada orang lain yang bisa membantu dalam mencari kesalahan ke-10 nya.

Galileo (1) is often called the founder of modern science. He made many (2) discoveries in astronomy and physics and he built telescopes to study space.

Galileo Galilei was born in Pisa, Italy in 1564. His father sent (3) him to the university to study medicine, but young Galileo were more interested in science and mathematics.

Galileo made one of his greatest discoveries (4) when he sat in a cathedral of Pisa. As he watched a chandelier swing back and forth he noticed that longer and shorter swings took the same time. This discovery became known as the law of the pendulum. These and other (5) important discoveries made (6) him so well-known that Galileo became a professor at the University of Pisa.

In 1609 Galileo constructed (7) his first telescope. He used it to (8) observe the stars and the planets. He saw things that nobody had ever seen before. Galileo discovered that the moon's surface were not smooth and flat, like everyone thought, but had a rough surface and was full of craters.

In January 1610 Galileo discovered 4 moon around the Jupiter. They were named after him, the Galilean moons. These observations proved that the Earth was (9) not the centre of the solar system, but the sun. It was a discovery that Copernicus had make 60 years earlier.


(1) Galileo satu orang saja, jadi menggunakan kata 'is' dan bukan 'are'.

(2) Galileo menemukan banyak hal, bukan hanya satu, itulah kenapa kata 'discover' menjadi 'discoveries'.

(3) Kata 'him' lebih cocok di kalimat tersebut daripada kata 'he' karena bentuk (?) kalimatnya.

(4) 'As' artinya sambil atau seperti jadi kata itu diganti dengan 'when' yang mengartikan kapan Galileo mendapatkan penemuan terbaiknya.

(5) 'Important' lebih cocok di kalimat tersebut daripada kata 'importance' (maaf yang satu ini sulit dijelaskan)

(6) Kata 'him' lebih cocok di kalimat tersebut daripada kata 'he' karena bentuk kalimatnya, seperti nomor (3).

(7) Galileo adalah seorang lelaki jadi kata 'her' diganti menjadi 'him'.

(8) Observe adalah kata kerja yang lebih cocok dalam konteks kalimat ini.

(9) Kata 'not' tempatnya dipindahkan dari belakang 'the Earth' ke depan 'the Earth' karena dalam konteks ini bumi bukanlah pertengahan jagad raya, melainkan matahari dan lebih cocok karena dengan begitu kata 'was not' bisa juga dijadikan 'wasn't'.

Sekian, semoga ini membantu dan sekali lagi maaf karena tidak bisa mendapat nomor 10 nya. Maaf jika penjelasannya kurang baik, menjelaskan sesuatu tentang bahasa Inggris bisa membingungkan karena perbedaan peraturan bahasanya dengan bahasa Indonesia. Good luck :)

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