Jawaban dari "What aspects of the paper-based map have informed the digital map ?"

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What Aspects Of The Paper-based Map Have Informed The Digital Map ?

Jawaban: #1:


What aspects of the paper-based map have informed the digital map ?

Paper-based maps are designed as visual representations of a geographical area, such as a city, that are intended to help people find places and plan a route and navigate their way to an unfamiliar destination. They are typically based on a conceptual model of a 2D bird's eye view of the physical world that the user looks down on.

Smartphone digital maps are based on a conceptual model of the physical map, using similar elements to show a geographical terrain. However, they also have much more functionality and interactivity added to them.

People can locate themselves, plan the route, and monitor their navigational progress with both map systems. Physical maps can be opened up and spread out to see a whole area. Smartphone maps, however, are constrained by the size of the device screen. To accommodate this they only show a partial area at any given time, so that it is difficult to get an overall map of a region. To compensate the device provides zooming functions at various scales to enable the user to move through, expand or shrink the map. When reading a paper map users have to match where they are with what they are looking at in the map, such as landmarks or street names, in order to locate themselves. Smartphone maps have transformed map reading into more of a follow the dot/arrow experience that is overlaid on a dynamic spatial representation of the environment. (Source: google)


Jadi aspek yang dipakai dalam peta digital ponsel pintar berdasarkan pada model konseptual dari peta fisik. Namun, peta digital memiliki lebih banyak fungsi dan interaktivitas yang ditambahkan kedalam programnya sehingga lebih menarik untuk digunakan dibandingkan peta fisik yang terbuat dari kertas.

Semoga membantu ya.

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Nah itulah informasi mengenai "What aspects of the paper-based map have informed the digital map ?", semoga membantu!

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