Jawaban dari "‘Why has it not all frozen up?’ asked Anna Vasilevna. ‘There’s a warm spring which rises up in it. L..."

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Kami mempunyai 1 cara mengerjakan atas 'Why has it not all frozen up?' asked Anna Vasilevna. 'There's a warm spring which rises up in it. L.... Silakan pelajari jawaban lebih lanjut disini:

'Why Has It Not All Frozen Up?' Asked Anna Vasilevna.

'There's A Warm Spring Which Rises Up In It. Look! See That Little Jet?'

Bending Over An Unfrozen Patch In The Middle Of The Ice, Anna Vasilevna

could See A Thin Little Thread Rising Up From The Bottom; By The Time It

reached The Surface It Had Broken Into Tiny Bubbles. This Minute Stem With

the Little Bubbles On It Looked Like A Spray Of Lily Of The Valley.

'There Are Loads Of Springs Like That Here,' Said Savushkin Enthusiastically.

'The Stream Is Alive Even Under The Snow.'

He Brushed Away The Snow, And They Saw The Coal-black But Transparent


Anna Vasilevna Noticed That, When The Snow Fell Into The Water, It Did Not Melt

away, But Immediately Turned Into Slush, A Greenish Jelly Suspended In The

water As If It Were Algae. She Was So Pleased With This That She Began To Kick

snow Into The Water With The Toe Of Her Boot, And Was Enraptured When A

particularly Intricate Figure Emerged From A Large Lump Of Snow. She Was So

enthralled That She Did Not At Once Notice That Savushkin Had Gone On, And

was Waiting For Her, Sitting High Up In The Fork Of A Bough Overhanging The

stream. Anna Vasilevna Caught Him Up. Here The Action Of The Warm Springs

came To An End, And The Stream Was Covered With A Thin Film Of Ice. Light

shadows Darted Rapidly Over The Marble Surface.

'Look, The Ice Is So Thin That We Can Even See The Current!'

'No, Anna Vasilevna, I'm Swaying This Branch, And That's Its Shadow Moving.'

Anna Vasilevna Bit Her Tongue. Clearly Here In The Forest She Had Better

keep Quiet.

Savushkin Strode On Again In Front Of The Schoolmistress, Bending Down

slightly And Looking Around Him.

And The Forest Led Them On Still Farther Along Its Intricate, Tangled Paths. It

seemed As If There Was No End To The Trees, The Snowdrifts And The Silence Of

the Sun-dappled Twilight.

Suddenly, In The Distance, A Smoky-blue Chink Appeared. The Trees Began

to Thin Out, There Was More Space And It Was Fresher. Soon There Was No

longer A Chink, But A Broad Shaft Of Sunlight Appeared Before Them, And In It

something Glistened And Sparkled, Swarming With Frosty Stars.

The Path Went Round A Hazel Bush, And Straightaway The Forest Fell Away On

either Side. In The Middle Of The Glade, Clothed In Glittering Raiment, Huge

and Majestic As A Cathedral, Stood An Oak. It Seemed As If The Trees Had

respectfully Stood Aside To Give Their Older Brother Room To Display Himself

in All His Strength. The Lower Branches Spread Out Over The Glade Like A


Snow Was Packed Into The Deep Corrugations Of The Bark, And The Trunk,

three Times The Normal Girth, Seemed To Be Embroidered With Silver Thread.

Few Of The Leaves That Had Withered In The Autumn Had Fallen, And The Oak

was Covered Right Up To The Top With Leaves Encased In Snow.

'There It Is, The Winter Oak!'

1 Explain As Fully As You Can What You Learn About Anna Vasilevna And Her

reaction To What She Sees And Hears In The Forest. You Should Refer Closely To

the Extract In Your Answer.

2 Explain As Fully As You Can How Savushkin's Behaviour In The Forest Helps You

to Understand Him. Refer Closely To The Extract.

3 What Do You Think Anna Vasilevna Learns From Her Experience In The Forest?

4 Explain How The Writer Conveys The 'enchanted' Atmosphere Of The Forest By

referring Closely To Some Of The Similes He Uses In His Description.

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