Jawaban dari "report teks about accident"

Apakah anda sering diberi PR sama guru? Tapi anda tidak dapat menyelesaikannya? Sebetulnya ada beberapa strategi untuk mengerjakan pertanyaan tsb, termasuk dengan bertanya pada orang tua, selain itu mencari jawaban di website dapat menjadi trik pilihan sekarang ini.

Kami punya 1 cara menjawab atas report teks about accident. Silakan pelajari cara menjawab lebih lanjut disini:

Report Teks About Accident

Jawaban: #1: When I was walking home from school yesterday, I saw an accident. A car hit a motorcycle from behind. The driver could not control his car because he drove very fast.
The car didn't stop after the accident. It even ran faster and disappeared. The traffic was not so crowded. No one came to help the motorcycle's rider. He was injured badly. I was so scared at that time.
Thaen, I called the police and tried to find help for the victim. Soon, the police came. The police asked me some questions. I told them what happened. After that I went home because it was already dark.
It was really tragic. Accidente Jules Bianchi. SUZUKA 2014 - YouTube

Accidente jules bianchi. suzuka 2014. Bianchi jules suzuka accidente

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