Jawaban dari "Paris is the capital of france and the country's largest city. It is situated in the river seine, in..."

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Website ini punya 1 cara menyelesaikan mengenai Paris is the capital of france and the country's largest city. It is situated in the river seine, in.... OK langsung saja baca jawaban lebih lanjut disini:

Paris Is The Capital Of France And The Country's Largest City. It Is Situated In The River Seine, In Northwest France, At The Heart Of The Lle-de France Region. The City Of Paris Has An Estomated Population Of 2. 167 .994 (jan, 2006) But The Metropolitan Area Has A Population Of Nearly 12 Million, And It Is One Of The Most Populated Metropolitan Areas In Europe.
Today It Is One Of The World's Leading Business And Cultural Centers, And It Influences In Politics, Education, Entertainment, Media, Fashion, Science And Arts Make It One Of The Major Global Cities. It Is Estimated, The Paris Urban Area Is Fifth In The World's List By GDP.
Paris Is Of One Of The Most Popular Tourist Destination In The World, With 45 Million Tourists Every Year In The Paris Region, 60% Of Whom Are Foreign Visitors. There Are A Lot Of Iconic Landmarks Among Its Many Attractions, Along With World-famous Institution And Papular Parks.

1. What Does The Text Yell You?
2. What Is The Main Idea Of Paragraph Three?


Jawaban: #1:

1. The text is tell me about Paris

2. Paris is one of the most popular tourist destination in the world

Le retour de Tilikum, l'orque tueuse | France Soir

Orque tueuse tilikum. Le retour de tilikum, l'orque tueuse

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