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Website ini ada 1 cara mengerjakan mengenai This text is for no. 1– 2. Snow Leopards are solitary wild cats that live in the snowy central mount.... OK langsung saja pelajari cara menjawab lebih lanjut disini:
This Text Is For No. 1– 2.
Snow Leopards Are Solitary Wild Cats That Live In The Snowy Central Mountains Of Asia. Snow Leopards Are In Danger Of Extinction Due To Loss Of Habits, Loss Of Prey And Over Hunting; Few Snow Leopard Are Left In The Wild.
Snow Leopards Are Fast Runners, Good Swimmers And Excellent Climbers. They Often Hide Their Food On Trees. The Leopard's Call Sounds Like A Raspy Couch, Not A Roar. Leopards Live Up To 21 In Capacity.
These Graceful, Medium-sized Cats Grow To Be About 3,5 Feet ( 1 M ) Long; The Tail Is About 3 Feet (0,9 ) Long. Adults Weigh From 60 – 120 Pounds ( 27 – 55 Kg ). Males Are Larger Than Females.
Snow Leopards Have Dark Rosettes On A Creamy White Background, Camouflaging Them In The Snow And Rocks. Cubs Are Grey They Are Born; There Are 2-3 Cubs In Each Litter.
These Large Cats Are Carnivores That Hunt Mostly At Dusk And At Dawn; They Are Nocturnal.
1. What Kinds Of The Text Belong To…
a. Recount
b. Narrative
c. Descriptive
d. Procedure
2. The Text Tells Us About…
a. Asia Leopard
b. Wild Cat
c. Tiger
d. Snow Leopard
This Text Is For No. 3 – 5.
The Eiffel Tower Is An Iron Tower Built On The Champ De Mars Beside The River Seine In Paris. The Tower Has Become A Global Icon Of France And Is One Of The Most Recognizable Structures In The World.
The Parisian Landmark Is The Tallest Structure In Paris And One Of The Most Recognized Structures In The World And Is Named After Its Designer, Engineer Gustave Eiffel. 6,719,200 People Visited The Tower In 2006 And More Than 200,000,000 Since Its Construction. This Makes The Tower The Most Visited Paid Monument In The World. Including The 24 M (79 Ft) Antenna, The Structure Is 325 M (1,063 Ft) High (since 2000), Which Is Equivalent To About 81 Levels In A Conventional Building.
When The Tower Was Completed In 1889 It Replaced The Washington Monument As The World's Tallest Structure – A Title It Retained Until 1930 When New York City's Chrysler Building (319 M – 1,047 Ft Tall) Was Completed. The Tower Is Now The Fifth-tallest Structure In France And The Tallest Structure In Paris, With The Second-tallest Being The Tour Montparnasse (210 M-689 Ft), Although That Will Soon Be Surpassed By Tour AXA (225.11 M-738.36 Ft)
The Structure Of The Eiffel Tower Weighs 7,300 Tons. Depending On The Ambient Temperature The Top Of The Tower May Shift Away From The Sun By Up To 18 Cm (7 In) Due To Thermal Expansion Of The Metal On The Side Facing The Sun. The Tower Also Sways 6-7 Cm (2-3 In) In The Wind.
3. How Many Paragraph In The Text?
a. Two.
b. Four.
c. Six.
d. Five.
4. What Is The Main Idea Of Paragraph 2?
a. The Amazing Eiffel Tower
b. The Weight Of The Eiffel Tower.
c. The Visitors Of The Eiffel Tower
d. The Height Of The Eiffel Tower.
5. What Does The Text Mainly Describe?
a. The Eiffel Tower
b. The History Of The Eiffel Tower.
c. The Height Of The Eiffel Tower.
d. The Visitors Of The Eiffel Tower.
This Text Is For No. 6 – 10.
Debby Putti
Debby Putti Is A Model From Surabaya. Now, She Is A Student Of State Senior High School 71 Surabaya. Debby Is The First Daughter Of Mr. Fajar Putti And Mrs. Anna Karaeng. Debby Became Famous Model When She Won The Competition Of Teenage Model 2005 And YTV Jrang-Jreng 2004.
Debby Is Brown-skinned. She Is Tall And Slender. She Is 17 Years Old. Debby Has Wavy, Short, Black Hair, A Pointed Nose And Rather Big Ears. Her Face Is Oval And Her Cheeks Are Dimpled When She Smiles.
Debby Is An Attractive Girl In Her Blue Jeans. She Likes Wearing A Cotton Jacket And A T-shirt. She Always Wants To Feel Relaxed. She Is Neat And Well-dressed.
Debby Is A Cheerful And Friendly Girl. Everybody Likes Her Because She Is Humorous And Creative Girl. She Gets On Well With Other People And She Never Forces Her Opinions On Others. But Sometimes Debby Is Short-tempered When She Loses Her Personal Things.
Her Hobbies Are Cooking Japanese Food, Shopping And Singing. Debby Has A Beautiful Voice And Her Favorite Singer Is Kris Dayanti.
6. The Purpose Of This Text Is To __________.
a. To Retell The Story.
b. To Amuse The Readers.
c. To Retell The Funny Story.
d. To Describe The Physical Appearance Of Someone.
7. Where Does Debbi Come From?
a. Debby Comes From Semarang.
b. Debby Comes From Jakarta.
c. Debby Comes From Surabaya.
d. Debby Comes From North Sulawesei.
8. Debby Is A Kind Of ____________ Person.
a. Temperamental
b. Cheerful
c. Arrogant
d. Unattractive
9. Which Is INCORRECT About Debby Putti From The Text?
a. Debby Is A Daughter Of Mr. Fajar Putti And Mrs. Anna Karaeng.
b. Debby Is An Attractive Girl.
c. Debby Is 17 Years Old And Very Friendly Girl.
d. Debby Has Wavy, Long, Brown Hair, A Pointed Nose And Rather Big Ears.
10. "Everybody Likes Her Because She Is Humorous And Creative Girl."
The Underlined Word Has The Same Phrase With __________.
a. The Person That Is Always Jealous All The Time.
b. The Person Who Has A Lot Of Friends.
c. The Person Who Has Bad Attitude.
d. The Person Who Calms And Very Patient.
Jawaban: #1: Jawaban:
1. C. Descriptive
2. D. Snow leopard
3. B. Four
4. C. The visitor or the eiffel tower
5. A. The eiffel tower
6. D. To describe the physical appearance of someone
7. C. Debby comes from surabaya
8. B. Cheerful
9. D. Debby has wavy, long , brown hair,a poited nose and rather big ears
10. B. The person who has a lot of friend
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Le retour de tilikum, l'orque tueuse. Orque tueuse tilikum
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